Validate External Links report

generated Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:34:35 GMT
from data of Sun, 09 Mar 2025 07:20:01 GMT
script by Iritscen (contact)


Downloading list of external links from success.
Downloading list of reporting exceptions from success.
Found 4051 links to process.


Links to consider: 4051
Site query timeout: 10 seconds
Show OK links: No
Treat these response codes as OK: 200 202 401 405 406 418 501
Take screenshots: No
Suggest snapshots for NG pages: Yes
Suggest snapshots for OK pages: No
Ignore slash-adding redirects: No
Ignore HTTPS-upgrading redirects: No
Ignore redirects: No
Check and links: No
A summary of my findings will be found at the bottom of the report.


(For guidance in fixing these links, see here. The exceptions list is here.)
OK = URL seems to be working
NG = URL no longer seems to work
RD = URL is redirecting to this new URL
EI = URL is an external link to an internal page and should be converted to an intrawiki link using the suggested markup
IW = URL is an external link to a fellow wiki and should be converted to an interwiki link using the suggested markup
(xxx) = Unix tool 'curl' obtained this HTTP response status code (see here for code reference)
(000-xx) = 'curl' did not get an HTTP response code, but returned this exit code (see here for code reference)
IA suggests = Last available snapshot returned by the Internet Archive
Try browsing = The Archive failed to return a snapshot URL, so check for a snapshot manually using this link


NG (404)file
linked fromOni2:Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology
IA suggests
NG (410)page
linked fromTalk:Restless_Souls/Technology
Try browsing*/

Summary (35 min. 38 sec. elapsed)

I finished processing 4051 of 4051 links (there were 725 file links and 3324 page links).
4051 processed links:
- 10 links could not be processed
- 620 links were not checked
- 215 processed links had issues
  (excepted 213 links from report)
- 3206 processed links were OK
10 link errors (see RTF or TXT report for specific links):
- 1 unknown protocol
- 2 missing/unknown namespaces
- 6 links on JavaScript pages
- 1 unknown URL suffix
213 link problems excepted (see RTF or TXT report for specific links):
- 58/60 NG links
- 151/151 redirections
- 3/3 external internal links
- 1/1 potential intrawiki link
Exceptions list audit:
28 exception list issues detected (see RTF or TXT report for details).
2 link issues:
- 2 NG links
ValExtLinks says goodbye.